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Home -> Blog: Bureaucracy vs. Emergency


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September 9, 2005

I found an article in the NY Times today that seems to give a pretty good and impartial review of what the Federal Government was going through at the onset of the Katrina emergency, namely previous laws and state rights. In the case of Louisiana, Governor Blanco there is the one who had the authority and responsibility to dispatch National Guard troops. The president can only send in active troops by invoking the Insurrection Act and basically overriding the Governor's power. Since the governor wouldn't go for this, the feds tried to negotiate partial control between the state and feds over the troops, but the feds were denied again. While troops were ultimately sent in, Washington basically had its hands tied. So, the questions remain of why didn't the governor of La. respond sooner and send National Guard soldiers, and why isn't it easier in times of disaster to dispatch active military to help with the emergency?

Posted by charr at 3:56 PM
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