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August 2, 2005

While not very political, the NY Times has a nice article on flying etiquette. I find myself on airplanes quite frequently, so the more people can understand proper etiquette, the better.The article lists most everything I could say, though it leaves out the person who has lots of carry-on baggage and fills all the overhead bins. Don't do that. Probably the most important for me is to not recline if the person behind you passes some "tallness" threshold. I already have to try to straddle the seat in front of me with my knees on many planes and don't look kindly on people who don't care about the person behind them. I've fought a number of battles where I plant my knees in the seat in front of me to prevent it from coming down all the way. Because I'm often the victim, I very rarely recline my seat -- usually just if it's empty or populated with a child or small adult, though I typically fly with other businessmen. In short, think of those around you.Now if I could just get drivers to do the same...

Posted by charr at 8:07 PM
Reader Comments

That was an excellent article. Although I don't fly much, when I do, I appreciate courteous flyers and try to be one myself. I often feel guilty about reclining my seat so I rarely do it, but I like the knee defender idea.A friend of mine used his laptop to get similar results. I was flying with him once and he was tickled pink when the guy in front of him tried to recline and found he couldn't. He probably thought it was broken.

Posted by dan at August 2, 2005 10:07 PM

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