Un Cachito de la vida

Un Cachito

Un Cachito de la vida - A little piece of Cameron's life

I'm not sure if that's the right title. I mean, its not like I said I'd never do it or that it'd never happen, but it's taken so long, people start to wonder if it will in fact come to pass.Yes, I'm getting married. I'm pretty excited about it too. April 10, 2008 is the date and will be a couple weeks shy of a year from when I started dating my fiancé Alice. It's funny to hear culture differences about this: In Utah, I'm ancient and people wonder why I waited so long (it's fairly common to be engaged after less than 2 months of dating), while outside, I'm young and it's a "quick" relationship. But I've always considered marriage as a pretty darn big deal and want to make sure it's with the right person at the right time. It is with Alice and I really look forward to starting an eternal family with her.Here are a couple pictures of us.

Posted by charr at 8:37 PM

Reader Comments

May I be the first to say Congratulations! I had no idea you were dating, but I usually don't pry into the lives of others... unless information is willingly divulged. :)Send me an announcement (if you want...)

Posted by Jarom at March 3, 2008 8:58 PM

I second the congratulations, and you may want to update your desperation page for accuracy.

Posted by dan at March 4, 2008 6:18 PM

Holy cow. I had totally forgotten about that.

Posted by Cameron at March 4, 2008 6:20 PM

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