Un Cachito de la vida

Un Cachito

Un Cachito de la vida - A little piece of Cameron's life

I'm back; safe and sound. I'm healthy, 8 lbs lighter than when I left (was 13 lbs lighter just about 10 days ago), have a full beard and am happy to be home. Coming home wasn't actually that surreal, but when I try to think of the places I went at the beginning of my trip they seem forrr-eeee-ver ago. But I've had some interesting experiences that will last a lifetime. I've made some new connections and friends and it's been neat to have people following us. I plan on doing some more specific posts in the coming week or so, but for now I need to get back to my life. 2 months of mail to sort through, bills to organize, a car to register - all the fun things of a hyper-civilized life. There are benefits to that life though and I'm indulging myself in some of those:

I've included a photo here so you can admire my beard (which is now trimmed down a bit).

Posted by charr at 10:39 AM

Reader Comments

Welcome home!

Posted by Levi at November 10, 2007 4:29 PM

Congrats on making the trip safely.

Posted by dan at November 12, 2007 3:50 PM

I had a cleaner version of the beard for a few days and actually got several people that said they liked it. That actually surprised me a bit. But now it's moot, because last night I shaved off the beard completely and shaved my head while I was at it :).

Posted by Cameron at November 14, 2007 10:15 AM

Hi Cameron,I saw Josh last week in Reno, and I was surprised to see how much he looked like you !
And when I see your photo with your beard, i cannot help thinking how much you look like he was !!Welcome back ! there is no place like home
/* regardless where your home is ;-) */

Posted by Gilles at November 19, 2007 5:26 PM

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