Un Cachito de la vida

Un Cachito

Un Cachito de la vida - A little piece of Cameron's life

I haven't posted for a long time. It almost seems like a hassle to post something, which I don't see as a good sign if you (I) want to maintain a blog. Maybe it's that whole lazy-days-of-summer thing. It has been pretty hot in Utah with several days over 100 - kinda sucks the energy out of you.But I guess there are a few things I can report. I turned 31 in the past month, and it was actually a very enjoyable day. I had a small pre-birthday celebration a couple days earlier which was also quite nice. At some point, I also went to my first rodeo, though I can say that it's not really my thing. I was perhaps a little underwhelmed, though parts of it were fun. In other news, I decided to basically spend all the money in my bank account (which will happen in a couple of months), but I'll post about that later.Something else I did was be a juror for a Federal criminal case. I was on call with the US District Court from May - August and got called in a while ago. I had mixed feelings in that I wanted to do my civic duty and wanted to see what being on a jury was like; however I (and especially my boss) didn't want it to last too long and disrupt my life in any significant manner. I'm going to need all the vacation days I can get coming up and didn't want to take any off for an extended jury absence. Fortunately, the case was pretty short.And it was a good experience. First note is that if you ever get called in for jury duty, bring a book or magazine or something. I spent hours and hours waiting, doing nothing. I couldn't even play cell phone games because they confiscated our phones. Even when you've been selected, things still move quite slowly. But again, it was a short case. The first half of the first day was taken by selecting the jury, and then we heard witnesses and arguments for the next day, spending a few hours or so in deliberations before coming up with a verdict. I was impressed with the objectivity of the jurors. I feared some of them would just assume the defendant to be guilty, but it turns out we all (or most of us) struggled with the right decision, going back and forth between not-guilty and guilty. It was definitely an insightful and interesting experience, but I also think it was one I don't need again for a while :).

Posted by charr at 4:06 PM

Reader Comments

I too have been seeing blog entries as a hassle. I'm curious to hear about what you're dumping all your money on. That's cool you were on a jury. I've recently been wondering what it would be like, so your report was quite intriguing.

Posted by dan at July 18, 2007 6:06 PM

Regarding jury duty, I noticed with myself that even though I complain at times about our justice system, it's amazingly good. I think there are relatively few places in the world where you can get an impartial jury, and it's neat to be a part of that.As for the money spending, I'll disappoint now by telling you that it's not a wedding and honeymoon. Maybe next year. :)

Posted by Cameron at July 19, 2007 8:59 AM

So you're spending it all on an engagement ring and delaying the honeymoon until next year!

Posted by dan at July 20, 2007 10:21 AM

Umm, I didn't have that budgeted in either. Can I postpone the ring for next year too?

Posted by Cameron at July 20, 2007 10:29 AM

I guess so. When are you going to reveal the real reason?

Posted by dan at July 20, 2007 11:35 AM

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