Un Cachito de la vida

Un Cachito

Un Cachito de la vida - A little piece of Cameron's life

I've mentioned before the annoyance and "conspiracy" of long voice mail intros/headers on cell phones. Part of the message is to leave a page or "callback" for the person. Thing is, who even does that? I may have used it once, mostly curious about what it was. Everyone's got call history on their phone now and you can send a text message if you want to provide more information.Well, do you know that you can disable it? This was forwarded to me and while the steps may slightly differ, it shouldn't be hard to figure out how to disable paging. So do the world a favor and shorten the never-ending lecture requisite to just leaving a quick message:Go into your voice mail as though you are checking messages. When you get your main menu options, press 4, then 2, then 7, then 2.

Posted by charr at 5:32 PM

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