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August 23, 2005

Heh. I forgot I had written this little piece a while ago...While I've been following the events in Israel and Sharon's plan for removing Israelis from the Gaza Strip, I haven't found a real good article anywhere explaining why. Granted, I haven't looked real hard, but I've assumed it was a mix of economic reason (too costly to protect the Israeli settlementsin Gaza) with a forced start/continuation of the peace process in the Middle East. This article offers some light on the subject. I can't attest to it's accuracy, but seems to provide me with some information I lacked, and how Sharon has put down his ax and act as part of an agreement with Pres. Bush, and that another part of the plan was for President Abbas (of the Palestinian Authority) to then disarm the radical parties of Hamas, Fatah, and such.Again, I don't know all the details of the deal, and I have some sympathy for the Israelis being forced out of their homes (which will then be destroyed), but I'm in favor of the action. I just hope it works; I hope the Palestinians can now take action on their side to show they are serious about peace.

Posted by charr at 9:21 PM
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Posted by Cameron at August 24, 2005 6:00 PM

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