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April 19, 2005

I figured I should post at least once in April to show the world I'm alive, for better or worse. At any rate, this morning in Italy, a new pope was elected by the council of 115 cardinals in the Sistine Chapel. A brief summary of the process: the cardinals all meet together in a series of very secret meetings in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican (basically in Rome). They vote twice a day on who the next pope should be until they reach a 2/3 consensus, at which point that electee is the new pope and he selects a name. There is a contingency plan to select a pope on a simple majority if a 2/3 vote can't be secured after a while. Though they failed to come to a consensus yesterday, this was a fairly rapid choice. At any rate, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has been selected as the 265th pope and has taken the title of Pope Benedict XVI. You can read details and look at some multimedia here.

Posted by charr at 3:42 PM
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