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January 30, 2005

I'm very happy to see that the elections in Iraq have apparently gone quite well. There were some attacks, with reports of at least 44 people being killed, but there are also reports of 60-70% turnout. I think around 20% of those killed were terrorists, but I'm saddened by the loss of the innocent lives. Yet I still must admit that I thought things were going to be worse. I find the turnout fantastic and hope to see a leap in progress as people understand how democracy works. Here's some info on it from Fox news.Update:
Here are some election photos via Powerline

Posted by charr at 11:38 AM
Reader Comments

The elections are only the first step. What will be interesting is to see how long the electees manage to stay alive.

Posted by anonymous at January 30, 2005 11:00 PM

I agree anon, and Kofi Annan also made clear this was the beginning, but it is a good beginning. The fact that so many voted should not be taken lightly.

Posted by Cameron at January 30, 2005 11:18 PM

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