Un Cachito de la vida

Un Cachito

"Current_events" Archives

Un Cachito de la vida - A little piece of Cameron's life

July 30, 2007

Cause for optimism

For the last while in Iraq, there has been little cause for good news or optimism. However, with the "Surge" in full force and Gen. Petraeus in command, it appears there has been some improvement. While I've learned to temper my optimism regarding Iraq, this report on the state of Iraq is good news.

Posted by charr at 2:52 PM

September 18, 2006

A hint of light?

There's not a lot of good news coming from Iraq. There have been many milestones of progress, but the insugency has done very well in suffocating the liberty and life from Baghdad and beyond. One of the most violent and lethal "beyond" places is Anbar province, home to Fallujah and Ramadi. In a hint of light, 25 of the 31 tribes signed and submitted to the government a proposal to fight the insurgency, specifically the foriegn Al-Qaeda fighters. That could be huge, but there are reasons for concern. I've been wrong before in heeding optimistic news. Plus, they are requesting more sophisticated weapons from the government (beyond their AK47s). That makes me a little nervous, but I have to admit I'd love to see the people finally be able to stand up to the terrorists and help bring desperately needed peace to the area.

Posted by charr at 9:15 AM